Monday, December 10, 2012

I now have two blogs to type up.

...Unfortunately I only have time for one. I really need to start keeping a journal again.

However, I was nominated for a blog award thing? The Liebster Blog Award? I'll try it, but I have no blogs to nominate so this might suck.

Award Rules:
Post 11 things about yourself
Answer all the questions your nominator sets for you
Come up with 11 questions for the people you’ve nominated
Choose 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award (200 followers or less)
Go to their page and tell them

My 11 Things:
1. I regret hacking my hair off on my birthday.
2. After a semi-near death experience, I'm now slightly scared of the ocean. Mainly the waves.
3. Christmas stresses me out. 
4. I'm super excited to start school come January
5. I'm fairly confident that I could be diagnosed with extreme paranoia. I feel like everyone hates me all the time.
6. I want cake right now. White, delicious, wedding cake.
7. The thing I miss the most about the mainland is roadtrips. I love driving to new places.
8. Well, that's technically the second thing I miss the most. I miss my dog the most. 
9. The only musical genre I will not listen to willingly is bluegrass. I haaaaate bluegrass music.
10. I should be cleaning, but I'm being lazy.
11. I don't sleep very peacefully unless I'm sleeping alone in the middle of the day. Seems strange, but I think that's when I'm the least afraid of missing anything and my subconscious isn't focusing on where my husband is so I don't kick him or anything.

The Questions I must answer!:
1. What is your favorite animated film?
     -  I think the world knows that Disney's "Up" takes the cake on this one. A tie for second would be Disney's "Hunchback of Notre Dame"  and "The Phantom Tollbooth", which apparently no one has seen the latter except me.
2. Do you believe in ghosts?
     -  Way more than is healthy I'm sure. Anything supernatural is amazing to me.
3. Who is your favorite author?
     - You know, I don't think I could pick one. Mainly because I never notice who writes the books I read. My apologies to all authors. 
4. What is your greatest accomplishment?
     -  Hmm, this is tough. Honestly, I'd have to say making it as far as I have without having to ask my parents for much assistance. I've never had to move back, and I never ask for money. Most people my age can't say that. I know I owe all of that to my husband, but not many (young) married couples can say they that either.
5. Do you have a fear of heights?
    - I do, if its over land. For some reason, I cannot zip-line, but I can parasail. I cannot climb trees, but I can cliff dive into the ocean. I'm weird.
6. If you could do any job in the world what would it be?
   - Radio personality with my own show. I aspire to sort of be like Dr. Demento but I certainly don't know enough funny songs to base a whole radio show on that matter. I would love to have a radio show that people feel the need to turn off the TV to listen to.
7. What was your favorite subject in school?
     - Band. If that's not acceptable, then any history class I could take. I love history, and history is important.
8. If you could donate 1 million dollars to any cause what would it be and why?
     - Probably the Humane Society or ASPCA. I have a soft spot for animals. I would adopt all of them if I could.
9. What is your favorite snack?
     - Oh man. I don't think I could choose one. Uhhh I always seem to have potato chips in the house, which is horrible but it's true.
10. Does reality television irritate you?
      - Not even. It's a guilty pleasure. 
11. If you could have any animal as a pet what would it be?
     - I'd just have my dog back if I could! As far as exotic goes, I want a teacup pig really badly. 

I really don't have enough for I guess this kind of dies with me? Which is unfortunate but there isn't much I can do about that.

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