Friday, November 2, 2012

Pretty intense past week or so.

   Well it's official. I'm old. I turned 22 on the 26th. I say all my good birthdays are gone, but leave it up to my husband to cheer me up with "That's not true, when you turn 25 your car insurance goes down!" Thanks dear, that makes me feel even more elderly!
  I am convinced Hawaii has a vendetta against my birthday. My first birthday here, I spent the majority of the day alone. Which is okay, because Ryan works and I was relatively new here. That evening, my debit card was stolen so I spent October 27th 2011 puking while on the phone with the bank trying to sort things out.
  This year on my 22nd birthday, I spent most of the day alone again (which I like said, its completely fine) but I did have a few surprises. A friend of mine showed up dressed like a cat with flowers and balloons! I got gifts in the mail from family and my husband (and they were pretty awesome gifts I won't lie.) Ryan and I went and saw Paranormal Activity 4.
  I also made the mistake of getting my hair cut. Well, that's not an accurate statement. I needed a haircut horribly. My ends were split and felt AWFUL, so it was a necessary evil. All I wanted was my haircut up to my shoulders, with a few long layers. Something I could grow out easily and elegantly. Instead, the stylist decided to try 6 different cuts on my head. It was a jagged mess and I had my dear sweet husband even it up for me. That's right. My head was SO BAD that I let Ryan take scissors to my head. You know that means it was bad.
  Anyway, on the 27th I had my awesome birthday party. THAT kicked ass. I loved it. It was Disney's Up themed and so many of my friends showed up and dressed up. I don't think I've ever felt so loved. Unfortunately Hawaii still has its vendetta so Ryan couldn't come. He got called into work. Oh and then Canada said a big fuck you to Hawaii and sent a tsunami (failnami) our way. Nothing happened, but it was enough of a threat to make everything close early and people to freak out.
  Now for a photo montage of the events!
(Yeah, I had two Kevin's. My friends love me :D )

Now for my shit-tastic hair.


(After. Significantly better. Go Ryan!) 

OH Question of the hour! Do any of you awesome phantom readers know how to make a blog pretty? I have no insights to graphic design or web design. HELP!


  1. I wish I could have made it to your birthday! I miss your face! That is all.
    Phantom Reader
    (No, I did not google you. Ooh, that sounds dirty! lol)

  2. I nominated your for the Liebster Blog award!
    Check it out:

