Thursday, October 18, 2012

Huh, that's interesting.

  Someone googled me! and it wasn't me!
  Blogger tracks how people get to your blogs. Now my usual screen name (Hergtastic) which I have adapted from my childhood nickname (Herg) is pretty unique. That's not just me saying that. If you were to google it, all you would find is my crap.
 Phantom googler! Don't be shy! you're allowed to comment and such. I won't bite!
 The idea of someone googling me and finding out all of my junk does make me a little nervous, but I'm never running for public office nor am I ever going to be famous, so I guess its okay.

Anywho, if you stumble upon this blog (or straight up google me) don't be afraid to say hello.

I'll write more later, when I have more to write about.

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