Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Getting acclimated

  Ahhh new blog. Getting everything in its correct space and feeling more like myself.

  (Really this post is to inform my old Phantom Readers that this one exists.)

So to start this one off, I'm going to do one of those old school stupid surveys. ENJOY.

Questions will get rather deep and personal, can you take it?
 - Oh geez! I don't know! I don't work well under pressure!!

Swear to me that you will answer them all honestly?
 - I pinky promise.

Will the last person you kissed be the next person you kiss?
 - Sure will, for the rest of my life. I'm married.

Have you ever kissed an ex after you two have broken up?
 - Maybe? I honestly don't remember. It's been awhile since I've had an ex.

Why do you hate the person you hate the most?
 - I have a vagina, therefore there is no rhyme or reason to why I hate anything. I just do.

Is there anybody you wish you could spend time with right now?
 - There's actually a lot of people I wish I could spend time with.

Do you look for a sense of humor or seriousness?
 - I need laughter. 

Have you ever stayed up very late talking to the person you like[d]?
 - Honestly, it's been awhile since Ryan and I just stayed up talking. 

Were you single this Valentines Day?
 - Nope.

Have your parents ever not approved of someone?
 - Only a few friends.

What did you and the last person you talked on the phone with talk about?
  - I think it was my Mom, and probably Zeus.

Ever been called babe?
 - Often

Who are you constantly with?
 - Ryan. If not him then either Jessie, Tricia, or Team Teriyaki Hairpiece.

What color bra are you wearing?
 - Black and a skin toned pink. Lacy and sexy. oooooh.

What did you do today?
 - Laundry. 

Would you hook up with the last person who texted you?
 - I would not. Last text was from my sister, and that's incestuous and gross.

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
 - Hide. hide all the way.

Are you a morning person or a night person?
- Afternoon person.

Who were you with Friday night?
- Daniel, Brittney, Adam, Jessie, and Ryan.

What happened at 9:00 am today?
- I woke up.

Have you ever broken a flipflop?
- No, actually.

Do you own a skateboard?
- I don't.

What is your biggest fear about making a total commitment to someone?
- I made that total commitment, and my biggest fear is that he will find better.

Did you accept or deny your last friends request?
- Ignored.

Would you be okay with your boyfriend/girlfriend being friends with his/her ex?
- Ya know, it's been 4 years. I SHOULD be able to say "yeah I don't care" except I can't. And that's a long story in itself, but I know he wouldn't want me to be either.

Are your nails painted?
- French acrylic. oh yes, I'm fancy.

Have you ever wore the opposite sex's clothes?
- Often.

If you were to get up from the computer, and turn to the right and take four steps where would you be?
- I would have fallen onto the couch after one step.

Where is your cell phone?
- Next to me.

Have you ever had pink eye?
- Ugh yes. sucks dick.

Do you believe in love?
- I do.

There you have it phantom readers. Transfer your love over here. :D

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