Monday, February 4, 2013

Hawaiian Pet Peeves

All of my pet peeves about Hawaii do not stem from the state or the locals themselves. (Except the driving part. The drivers here SUCK DICK.) My pet peeves stem from everyone who wishes with their whole heart they were me living here. Let me just tell you, no, no you don't.
  Yes, there are plenty of perks to living in Hawaii. The weather being a big one. It is 75 and sunny year round. Even in the winter (or rather rainy season) it's still sunny and 75 with a nice breeze. In the Hawaiian summer, its about 85-90, sunny, but no breeze so incredibly humid. Even that isn't horrible! The food here is another perk. Local food, yum. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water. Loco Mocos, Kailua Pork, STARFRUIT. OH LAWD STARFRUIT. Starfruit makes my life better.
  You also have to realize, that there is a lot that Hawaii doesn't have that people take for granted. Like seasons. I know what you're all thinking, "I could give up seasons if it was 75 and sunny every day!" Yeah, I thought that too. I hate winter with a passion and I hate being cold. The best part about winter for everyone? When its OVER. When the seasons change and you see green leaves, green grass, and flowers again. When you can break out your t-shirts and flip flops. When Hawaii "seasons" change, it goes from monsooning for 2 hours every day, to misting for 10 minutes every day. THAT'S IT. No grand natural gestures, no wardrobe changes, nothing. You don't even realize the "season" changed until someone points it out.
  Let's discuss the food choices too while we're at it. Do you like Italian? Chinese? Mexican? TOO BAD. Do you like burger chains like Whattaburger? White Castle? RED ROBIN?! Sorry, we don't have that either! We really don't have much in things that aren't seafood. You love seafood? GREAT. Move here. Do you like seafood chains? Sorry, no dice.
  OH AND THE COST OF LIVING?! yeah, gas is at $4.30 a gallon in some places. Milk can cost as much as $9 a gallon. I'll let that sink in on its own right.
  Also, lets take this onto a personal level. Are all of you, who would switch places with me in a hot minute, aware that this isn't a vacation for me? I still go to school, I'm still job hunting, and I still have a family to take care of. I didn't move here by choice and its certainly not a vacation. There is a ton here that I still haven't done because I want to share experiences with my husband but I can't because he's gone all the time. While I may have chose the military wife lifestyle, I did not choose the location. I may seem lucky to you, but I would feel lucky if I got anywhere other than Virginia Beach. I understand that these are all circumstantial reasons, but think about it in your own life. Could you afford to fill your tank at $4.30 a gallon and still buy milk and bread? Could you you handle not seeing your family for very extended periods of time because the prices to leave the island are ridiculous? Could you handle living on an island that takes only approximately TWO HOURS to drive around? (but with the amount of traffic here it can actually take up to 6-7 hours to go about 200 miles total. Yeah, we're a FLOATING CITY. It's horribly crowded. Didn't think it would be did you? did you picture grass huts? I'm sure you did.) Seems all reasonable to you now, I'm sure, but live here for a year. Or two, or seven. You'll change your mind.
  My absolute biggest pet peeve, is when I complain about Hawaii, and people basically tell me there's something wrong with me. If you can bitch about any of the other 50 states, then I can certainly bitch about living in Hawaii. Shit sucks all over the world. Shit sucks here too, even if it happens to be sunny every day.

--End Rant.--


  1. I 100% agree with this post. People only tell us we're crazy because they truly do not get that we don't live on a vacation resort. I miss good chinese food :(

    1. Oh maaaaan good Chinese food. Luckily this Thai food is hitting the spot right now :D great restaurant choice btw.
