Thursday, January 31, 2013

Smarty Pants

  Lately I've been feeling like a douche. Since starting school I have been just spouting off random facts that I gather during class to just about anyone I come in contact with. (Like how West Virginia is the 3rd fattest state! HA!) I hate sounding like a know-it-all, but I love school so much. And I love to learn. And I love all my classes. even algebra. I sincerely hope I'm not annoying the whole world, even though I'm sure I am. Somehow, in all my smarty pantsery, I have obtained TWO NEW FRIENDS at school. Granted, that brings my "School Friends" count to two, and my "Friends outside of the Armed Services" count to only one. That's okay though! The semester is young and I still haven't looked into clubs yet!

  In other news, I have been completely enraptured in the idea of dying my hair purple. I'm not sure what shade or anything like that, but the idea has completely consumed my soul. I'll leave it up to a vote, if anyone cares to vote on the matter. Here are my top 5 choices on purple hair!

^^^^Choice One^^^^
Okay, so this isn't really purple, but I like the multicolored look.

^^^^^Choice Two^^^^^

^^^^Choice Three^^^^

^^^^^Choice Four^^^^^

^^^^Choice Five^^^^

So go on then! Vote for it Phantom Readers!!

****All credit for these photos go to Pinterest and the following websites.****

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