Thursday, January 31, 2013

Smarty Pants

  Lately I've been feeling like a douche. Since starting school I have been just spouting off random facts that I gather during class to just about anyone I come in contact with. (Like how West Virginia is the 3rd fattest state! HA!) I hate sounding like a know-it-all, but I love school so much. And I love to learn. And I love all my classes. even algebra. I sincerely hope I'm not annoying the whole world, even though I'm sure I am. Somehow, in all my smarty pantsery, I have obtained TWO NEW FRIENDS at school. Granted, that brings my "School Friends" count to two, and my "Friends outside of the Armed Services" count to only one. That's okay though! The semester is young and I still haven't looked into clubs yet!

  In other news, I have been completely enraptured in the idea of dying my hair purple. I'm not sure what shade or anything like that, but the idea has completely consumed my soul. I'll leave it up to a vote, if anyone cares to vote on the matter. Here are my top 5 choices on purple hair!

^^^^Choice One^^^^
Okay, so this isn't really purple, but I like the multicolored look.

^^^^^Choice Two^^^^^

^^^^Choice Three^^^^

^^^^^Choice Four^^^^^

^^^^Choice Five^^^^

So go on then! Vote for it Phantom Readers!!

****All credit for these photos go to Pinterest and the following websites.****

Thursday, January 17, 2013

My first week at college!

  Everyone keeps asking me how my first week of college went. Instead of trying to remember everything, I'm going to give you legitimate excerpts from my own personal journal. All dated (between the first week and second week of school), and all labeled by class. If I had to stop journaling in that class, I just stopped. I didn't pick back up at that thought.

1-7-13 (first day of school, Monday/Wednesday classes. Apparently I didn't write anything in English on the first day.)
Human Biology
  90% of the quiz I knew, I just second guessed myself. I'm staying in this course. He's scary, but I know this shit.

  This dude is monotone and everything is so SLOW. STOP RAMBLING. Just let us go. Shoot me in the face if this website is broken. Oh my gosh this is why you don't trust technology!! FUCK. I wish I would have skipped. Mother fucker. Ridiculous. Straight up ridiculous. Waste of my time. Just let us leave we'll figure it out. We're not TOTAL idiots. Just release us! Oh man I want to run away. OH MY GOSH. HE CAN'T EVEN DO HIS OWN PROBLEMS. HE CAN'T EVEN DO MATH WHY AM I HERE?!?! Run away!

  I already love this woman.

World Civilizations
  All these dudes are trying to impress her. It's fantastic. No one will sit next to me. I'm the smelly kid.

  It's 8:25am and 75% of the class is missing. I thought I was going to be late. Ha. I sprinted up four flights of stairs for no reason. Should have known I'd be one of the early ones. I always am. I seriously need to quit biting my nails, it'd be nice to have pretty hands. Should have brought in my coffee. It's so quiet in here. Too quiet. As much as I'd like to to think people would talk to me if I talked to them, I know that's not true. I'm the token white girl. In their eyes, my ancestors kicked the front door in. I can tell by how they roll their eyes at just my name. Whenever my name gets called they just glare at me...

Human Biology
  I hate the way science labs smell, like dead rodents shoved up Fat Bastard's ass in the middle of the Sahara Desert. In a way, it kind of reminds me of my mom's lean cuisines. Blech. I am deathly afraid of this professor. He reminds me of a meaner Mr. Ruth. Where Mr. Ruth had humor and a fantastic subject of study on his side, this guy does not. I also don't believe his philosophy that biology is just applied chemistry. He's 5 minutes late to his own class. How rude. He needs to re-dye his hair as well.

  It's clear that Monday/Wednesdays will be my least favorite days. Biology is boring and my math teacher is a joke. At least English is awesome, as usual. The same kids are in most of my classes, and I think they all hate me. I try hard to think its just the first week and people will warm up to me but I honestly don't think they will. I desperately want to make friends. I miss the small town mentality because everyone talked to everyone and everyone knew each other. Crap my stomach is about to growl. FUCK I don't want people to hear it! I wonder if people read this over my shoulder. Someone just walked in that smells like pot...

World Civilization
  Let me backtrack to last class. I more than love Philosophy. I can tell it's going to be my favorite class. Here I am in world civ as the smelly white girl. Blarg. I need to start lying out again.

Human Biology
  Excuse me, did I sign up chemistry? NO. I registered for HUMAN BIOLOGY. I really want to make friends with the girl next to me. She has great style. I want to shop where she shops. ...He just said to wash our hands with paint thinner. NOPE. HA he stutters on his "WH" sounds like Stewie Griffin. "WH-hite blood cells" haha. He keeps telling us "this isn't chemistry" but then keeps teaching us chemistry. These stools are crazy uncomfortable. I think the woman in front of me is hot for him. Gross.

  Backtrack, Biology is actually becoming biology! Canola oil is Canadian rape oil as it turns out. Back to Algebra now, instead of this room smelling like pot, it smells like jager bombs. Not better.

Now no one has to ask anymore! hooray! Enjoy.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hey 2012, its been real.

   If the Mayans were correct in their calendar, and this is the end of the world, I can say I'm leaving it with few regrets. I really had a tremendous year.
  2012 has been a fantastic year. In this year alone; I lost 50+ lbs., gained some fantastic friends, adopted a great cat named Watson, visited Ohio (which means I got to spend time with my stink Zeus), celebrated two years of marriage, survived a near-death ocean experience, and visited Texas before the year was even out. I also got my ass in gear for school, and went through a series of interviews for multiple radio stations. (Ultimately I didn't get any of the radio positions, most of which due to the fact that I was visiting Texas at the worst time. However I expect that to change once I get some schooling under my belt.)
  There was some sadness too; leaving my dog again, some close friends moving away, and probably the worst event of all: Watson dying. With the exception of my cat passing, I really cannot complain about 2012. 2013 has got some large shoes to fill.
  As for my resolutions, they are as followed:
  1) Continue on my journey to getting healthier.
       Yes, I would love to lose more weight, but I need to focus now on toning up along with general fat loss.
  2) Become a little more lady-like. (fashion wise)
      I have always been a jeans and a t-shirt kind of girl. Now that I'm getting a little older, I need to stop looking like I'm in high school. I need to develop more style. I need to become more daring with what I put on my body and stop resting on my usual.
  3) Strive to get no lower than a 'B' in all my classes.
       I'm paying for my schooling, and I need to make it worth it. Also I want to prove to myself and every teacher that I've ever had that I can in fact get great grades and that I am incredibly intelligent. I need to stop being lazy.

  Eventually I'll do a photo montage of my year, but right now I have other things to get started on. Enjoy, phantom readers.

(ps, I'm sure you can tell I started this before 12/21/12, deal with it)