Thursday, October 25, 2012

Getting all pinteresty!: DIY Hair Mask.

  With the ship hours getting increasingly longer and longer (and with a close friend that I spent copious amounts of time with having left the island) I have a ton of free time on my hands. Therefore I am testing a lot of my pins from pinterest, photographing the evidence, and posting it on here.
  Let's be real though, 90% of my recipes since getting addicted to the online meth that is pinterest, so every day/night is a pinterest trial and error event. My poor husband gets to be in the middle of that disaster. Luckily only one attempt (thus far) was a disaster and that wasn't my fault, it was the recipe.

 Anyway, without further anticipation, my take on the DIY Hair Mask

 You start with these ingredients:
  2tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  1 Egg Yolk
  1tsp Honey
  A comb
  And, a warm towel.

(Looks delicious doesn't it?)

This is my pre-mask hair. Mornings aren't kind to me. And yes, those are in fact my real glass. I'm not just trying to look cool. I need new contacts.

Steps 1&2, mix ingredients together and warm up for about 10 seconds.

Step 3, apply to your head. (I made a horrible mess doing this.)

Step 4, wrap hair in warm towel (or use a shower cap)

Step 5, wait 15 minutes.

(My hair smelled like a dirty gross sandwich.)

Step 6, remove warm towel/shower cap and wash hair like normal.

This is the end result!

   My opinion: DO NOT TRY unless you want your hair to feel like it's going to snap off. Maybe I did it wrong, but after washing it out my hair started breaking and felt like straw. It was HORRIFIC.
  Another factor that might have screwed me on this? My hair isn't healthy to begin with. I need a haircut horribly.
  If you attempt any hair mask (or you attempted this one with better results) please tell me about it!

 (If you want to check the pins I've attempted you can check them all out here, but they don't have pictures. I'll fix that as I attempt more.)

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