Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I suck, absolutely suck at writing recently.
By recently I mean the last eight months.

IN MY DEFENSE: The Sir has acquired new orders and we are processing a move on top of other things in about a month and a half.
Have I actually accomplished anything for this move? Well, we set the pack out date. The Navy knows when I want to leave the island. I have all my paperwork needed to check out of housing. So, yeah. I think I'm doing fairly well. I haven't cleaned a damn thing though. So there's that. Also I'm planning a yard sale. I only get 9,000 lbs to ship, and I'd like to use less than that.

ANYWHOSER. This is not why I wanted to post. I realized I never did the stereotypical End-Of-2013-Beginning-Of-2014 post. Honestly, I didn't have much to say. I got back to the island, and had a move thrown in my face two days later. I've been pretty busy with my own anxiety. I didn't even make a resolution this year. With the exception of the whole "52 weeks of saving" thing. I didn't even plan on starting that until last week. I have decided on a resolution of sorts. I've seen a few people do the "100 days of Happiness" thing, and I wanted to start that. Today. It kills two birds with one stone. It's a resolution, AND it'll make me write more frequently.
  Without further adieu;

100 Days Of Happiness Day 1: Reese's puffs and Coffee. The delicious balls of pseudo peanut butter and cocoa make the fact that I got barely two hours of sleep last night much more bearable. Coffee just makes my world go round, and anything that can give me energy currently is a godsend.

So that's it for right now. I need to get back to decluttering and organizing my house. Moving is such a pain.