Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hillary is about to Hulk Smash some shit.

  Let's start off this ranting post with a bit of good news.
  DOMA and Prop 8 were overturned!! This a HUUUUGE step in the right direction for equality for homosexuals in America and I am so happy that this was overturned. It's about damn time we started recognizing homosexuals and transexuals as real human beings and giving them some rights.

THAT BEING SAID. There has been a HUGE injustice on women in the past few days. As excited as I am for the LGBT community and their win today, I am equally as pissed off for my fellow women and their issues going on in Texas (as well as TWELVE other states in the U.S.) Yep. I'm talking about Wendy Davis, Senator Van De Putte (I cannot find her first name, damn it), and this whole abortion bill filibuster thing.
  Here's the shit most people know about it; Wendy Davis got up and talked on topic for 13 FUCKING HOURS STRAIGHT. She COULD NOT have water, food, go off topic, go to the bathroom, lean on anything, sit down, NOTHING. She got hit with a warning for someone adjusting her back-brace for her. Wendy, this wonder-woman, shared her own personal story of why women need abortion clinics and planned parenthoods, and she shared the stories of countless other women to keep a vote from happening that would SHUT DOWN these clinics, restrict abortions to before 20 weeks, and set strict standards for the remaining clinics. Oh, and it would restrict the use of drugs to end pregnancy. Yep, even though there are medications you can take to terminate a pregnancy early on, these asshats would rather doctors go in there the old-fashioned, incredibly intrusive way. How fucking quaint.
 Wendy WON her filibuster, with the help of the people in the gallery screaming and shouting and causing a ruckus so no one could vote. HOWEVER, the Texas Governor Rick Perry called for a special legislative to reconsider the proposal. And this is happening July 1st. Gov. Rick Perry was quoted saying "Texans value life and want to protect women and the unborn, we will not allow the breakdown of decorum and decency to prevent us from doing what the people of this state hired us to do." BECAUSE SAVING WOMEN'S LIVES IS BREAKING DOWN DECORUM AND DECENCY. Totally. That makes perfect sense. You know what Rick Perry? FUCK YOU. We dealt with this shit back in 1973 with Roe v. Wade. WHY ARE WE GOING BACK?! WHY?!
  Speaking of going back, while the whole nation was focusing on Texas and Wendy, our lovely government edited the Voting Rights Act. This act was put in place back in the 60's to keep people from being douche-bags and keeping minorities from voting. This is a link that will explain it better than I ever could. And in that link it explains why editing this act is fucking outrageous. States have closing polls in minority districts and zoning districts so minority-supported candidates can't get voted in. What the fuck?! And people still think America is over racism. SPOILER ALERT! We're not. Another clue that we're not over racism? This fucking Paula Deen scandal.
  Paula Deen has been fired from the Food Network because she used racial slurs and wanted to plan a Civil War themed wedding, complete with middle aged African-American waitstaff. Wait, what? Sure, Paula Deen is a privileged white woman from the south who grew up during the Civil Rights movement. Does that excuse her for using racial slurs? NO IT FUCKING DOESN'T. In fact, I think it makes it worse for her to say it. When she grew up, it was most definitely an insult to use racial slurs. And, perhaps more hurtful. Oh and a Civil War themed wedding?! Who the fuck wants a war themed wedding to begin with?! If you want an era themed wedding, that's one thing. Someone can say "I want a 1940's themed wedding!" but you don't hear them say "I want a World War II themed wedding complete with nazis, genocides, and bombings!" No, no that wouldn't happen. So why would someone actually want a Civil War wedding with slavery undertones? (and by "undertones" I mean SLAVERY THROWN IN YOUR FUCKING FACE.) If you can't tell, I most certainly stand behind the Food Network, and I sincerely hope that stores start pulling Paula Deen products off the shelves. I haven't bought her shit before, and I'm certainly not doing it now.