Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Let's discuss the Book of Leviticus.

  Today is NATIONAL EPILEPSY DAY! But, its also the day that marriage equality goes up against the supreme court. Which is more important in most eyes (however I'm reppin' Epilepsy day for my dear sister.) 
  BECAAAAAUSE it is this huge day for equality, I've been seeing some Leviticus thrown around all willy nilly. Which pisses me off to no end. There is plenty, and I do mean P-L-E-N-T-Y of shit in Leviticus (and all of Old Testament to be honest) that we do on a daily bases that God says is "banned".
  Background story time; so the book of Leviticus is found in the Old Testament of today's bible between the books of Exodus and Numbers. This was also before the birth and death of Jesus, when God appears to be very vengeful. When Jesus died, he cleared us of our sins and made the "laws" of the Old Testament more like moral guidelines for his followers. Before Jesus, you had to make sacrifices and such before you could get into heaven. After Jesus, you have to accept him into your heart (or be saved) and you're in. Some believe you have to confess or apologize for your sins as well. Some also believe in being baptized. However the main way into heaven is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

  What does this have to do with anything? Well, in the book of Leviticus (in the Old Testament) it says "you shall not lie with a man as with a woman, it is an abomination" (Leviticus 18:22) which does scream "HEY HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN, YOU SICK BASTARDS." but something tells me that we've all committed a crime against God, specifically from this book. Here is the whole list of things banned by Leviticus, but these are my very favorites, and I think they're also the most committed. 
- Eating Fat (3:17)
-Touching an "unclean" animal (5:2) [Mind you, "unclean animals" mean camels, rabbits, pigs, moles, mice, lizards, cats, dogs, bears, lions, tigers, ect. All can be found in Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and here. It also says you can't eat unclean animals either (11:4-7), so there goes bacon. Also football is out the window, you can't touch the carcass of an unclean animal. (11:8)]

- Carelessly making an oath (5:4)
- Letting your hair become unkempt (10:6)
- Tearing your clothes (10:6)
- Going to church within 33 days after having a boy, or 66 days after having a girl (12:4-5)
- Having sex with a woman while she's on her period (18:9)
- Cursing the deaf or abusing the blind (19:14)
- Seeking revenge or bearing a grudge (19:18)
- Mixing fabric in clothing (19:19)
- Getting tattoos (19:28)
...the list goes on.You can seriously check out the whole list yourself. I'm not trying to bash any religions or religious practices; but if you've even worn a polyester cotton blend, eaten bacon, touched a football, fucked while bleeding, or held a grudge; you're just as bad as the man sleeping with another man (or a woman sleeping with another woman.)
Basically, what I'm trying to get at is; love the sinner, hate the sin. You don't have to approve of everything your friends/family do. Besides, I'm pretty sure the Bible also says "judge not lest ye be judged..." (Matthew 7:1). 

Last thought, please please PLEASE don't come up to me with this "well you're just an atheist piece of shit!" stuff, because I'm not. I fully believe in a higher power. I just hate seeing something that has as much power as the bible does being put to misuse. I know your God is a God of love, I just wish more people would preach His love instead of His malice and anger. That's all.

Okay okay, my real last thought, HAPPY EPILEPSY AWARENESS DAY! Wear some purple, show your love, lets find a cure that doesn't involve brain surgery!